O jovem britânico Rory McInnes, 18, subiu no telhado da casa dos pais e desenhou um pênis gigante com tinta branca após assistir um programa sobre o software Google Earth, que permite aos internautas acessar imagens de satélites de todo o mundo com detalhamento que permite ver casas e ruas.
Os pais de McInnes, Andy e Clare, não descobriram a brincadeira do filho até que um helicóptero que passava pelo local observou a "obra de arte" no telhado da casa em Hungerford, Berks, no Reino Unido, afirma reportagem do jornal "Daily Telegraph".
O piloto contatou o jornal "The Sun", que contatou os pais sobre o desenho. Andy McInnes, 54, diretor de uma companhia, disse ter acreditado que era uma brincadeira do jornal.
"É uma brincadeira de 1º de abril, certo? Não tem jeito de um pênis gigante estar desenhado no topo da minha casa", disse, em referência à data em que se celebra o dia da mentira.
Contudo, conta o jornal, quando McInnes foi perguntar aos quatro filhos se havia efetivamente a imagem em sua casa, Rory assumiu a brincadeira.
"Ah, vocês encontraram!", disse o filho, que está em intercâmbio no Brasil, segundo o jornal.
Os pais levaram a brincadeira com bom humor. "Quando Rory voltar para a casa, ele vai receber uma esponja, vai até lá e vai tirar o desenho", disse McInnes.
Com informações da Folha Online.
Did you see the work I did on the roof?
INS News Agency Ltd
CHEEKY student Rory McInnes did some DIY at the family home — painting a 60ft WILLY on the roof.
Parents Andy and Clare were delighted when builders finished a new flat roof on their £1million house.
But Rory, 18, had just watched a documentary about Google Earth — which lets internet users view satellite pictures — and decided to make the property stand out.
He grabbed a tin of white paint and climbed up to the roof, where he spent half an hour reproducing the best-known feature of the Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset.
For the next 12 months only Rory knew about the giant manhood on the roof near Hungerford, Berks.
But his secret was blown when a helicopter pilot spotted it, and hovered so his passenger could take photos.
Company director Andy, 54, thought it was a wind-up when The Sun contacted him about the painting.
He said: “It’s an April Fool’s joke, right? There’s no way there’s a 60ft phallus on top of my house.”
Andy then spoke to all four of his kids demanding answers.
When he phoned Rory — in Brazil as part of his gap year travels — the lad burst out laughing, saying: “Oh, you’ve found it then!”
The Cerne Abbas Giant is regarded as a massive fertility symbol, and couples often have sex on his appendage in the hope of conceiving.
Rory’s mum Clare, 49, said: “We don’t want any more children, so the idea of sleeping under a giant fertility symbol is rather worrying.”
Andy added: “We don’t want to lie in bed at night and hear couples at it above us.
“When Rory gets home he will be given a scrubbing brush and white spirit and he can go and scrub it off.”
Art attack ... Rory McInnes, 18